F-Commerce Fans Get ‘Groupies’ On Facebook Stores


Facebook stores from Zibaba

Zibaba - developing storefronts for brands on Facebook

Israeli start-up Zibaba.com has launched the first ‘Group Offers’ for a new breed of F-commerce Facebook stores, creating an enhanced marketing environment for brands and companies making use of social media platforms to sell their products to a specific target audience.

Ronen Shlomo, CEO of Zibaba.com, commented, “Group Offers create additional interest amongst social media groups and have a positive impact on purchases made within Facebook – the ultimate online shopping venue. Our technology allows retailers to tap into the social media buzz around products and pass on that popularity in the form of discounts”.

Zibaba’s full marketing solution for Facebook encompasses storefront, integrated Ecommerce within Facebook, Group Offers and a fully managed affiliate network (through which anyone can earn revenue simply by promoting merchandise on their Facebook page).

Laura Moore Fashion (http://on.fb.me/hd2x9Q) has officially become the first retail store on Facebook to promote their products using Group Offers.

LauraMooreFashion on Facebook

LauraMooreFashion on Facebook

“Laura Moore Fashion has made history,” commented Michael Katz, VP Business Development and Investor Relations for Zibaba.com. “They have the vision to understand that Group Offers running on retail products inside of Facebook is the future of Internet retail.”

For full details regarding Group Offers on Facebook stores visit www.zibaba.com.

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